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Team and Technical Agility

In today's fast-paced and highly competitive business environment, organizations need to be agile and adaptable to stay ahead of the curve. The Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) provides a proven approach for organizations to achieve business agility by empowering their teams and improving their technical capabilities. In this blog post, we will dive deeper into SAFe's team and technical agility and discuss how it can help organizations succeed in today's digital age.

SAFe's Team and Technical Agility

SAFe's Team and Technical Agility competency focuses on building high-performing teams that are cross-functional, collaborative, and self-organizing. The competency also emphasizes the importance of technical practices that enable teams to deliver high-quality, valuable software solutions quickly and predictably.

The three dimensions of SAFe's Team and Technical Agility competency are:

  1. Agile Teams - SAFe emphasizes the importance of creating and nurturing Agile teams that are cross-functional, autonomous, and empowered to make decisions. These teams work together to deliver value to customers in short iterations, using Agile practices such as Scrum and Kanban.
  2. Team of Agile Teams - SAFe emphasizes the importance of delivering value to customers quickly and frequently. This requires Agile teams to use Lean product development principles, such as minimizing work in progress, optimizing the flow of work, and delivering value incrementally.
  3. Built-in Quality - SAFe emphasizes the importance of building quality into every aspect of the software development process. This requires teams to adopt a culture of continuous improvement and to focus on delivering high-quality software solutions that meet customer needs.

Benefits of SAFe's Team and Technical Agility

By adopting SAFe's Team and Technical Agility competency, organizations can achieve the following benefits:

  1. Faster Time-to-Market - By using Agile practices and Lean product development principles, teams can deliver value to customers quickly and frequently, reducing time-to-market and increasing customer satisfaction.
  2. Improved Quality - By adopting Agile technical practices and building quality into every aspect of the software development process, teams can deliver high-quality software solutions that meet customer needs and exceed their expectations.
  3. Greater Innovation - By empowering Agile teams and creating a culture of continuous improvement, organizations can foster innovation and creativity, enabling them to stay ahead of the competition and drive business growth.
  4. Better Employee Engagement - By creating cross-functional, collaborative, and self-organizing teams, organizations can increase employee engagement and satisfaction, leading to higher productivity and better retention rates.


SAFe's Team and Technical Agility competency provides a proven approach for organizations to achieve business agility by empowering their teams and improving their technical capabilities. By adopting Agile practices, Lean product development principles, and Agile technical practices, organizations can deliver high-quality, valuable software solutions quickly and predictably, while fostering a culture of innovation and continuous improvement.


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